Gio's New Pancreatitis Menu

Gio has gas. Not just normal toots, but "peel-the-paint-from-the-wall-run-for-your-life-clear-the-room-hangs-like-a-thick-fog-over-the-ground ass fumes of death"! Serious, not exaggerating even a teensy bit! It's to the point that Romeo won't even sleep on the bed with him anymore. If this keeps up Gio will be spending the nights in his crate, which he hasn't done at home since he was a wee pup.

He had another vet check today, it was time to get his phenobarbital levels tested to see how things are progressing there. I told the vet about the flatulence and she thought it was just him adjusting to the new food (ie. canned yuck). I guess that makes sense. He was on antibiotics for a week, so that probably killed off a good handful of his normal gut flora. Then he was abruptly switched from a home-made raw diet to a canned rice-y mush diet. So, if that is the case, why not switch him now while he is adjusting and just be done with it. His bloodwork has all indicated that he is making a good recovery, so I'm goint to start switching him to a better diet slowly.

I've done a good bit of research into home-made pancreatic diets, and there are three main diets that I have come across.
The basic idea behind all the diets is high veggie content and lean meat in small quantities (~25%). Dr. Dodds and Monica Segal strongly recommend a cooked diet in situations of pancreatitis. Dr. Billinghurst recommends raw. Since the proportions of veggie to meat are roughly the same in all three diets, I've adapted them a bit to form a diet that I can manage and maintain.

I've just started making my first batch, here is what I've done:
  • Pushed 4.5lb of raw cabbage, zucchini, white potato, sweet potato, carrot, spinach, apple, and broccoli through a juicer, collecting all the juice and pulp in a large bowl. Added 3 crushed digestive enzyme tablets. It's currently sitting in the fridge.
  • Thawing on the counter are 2lb of cod filets and about 1/4lb raw beef liver. I will poach the cod and braise the liver, chop and mix into the veggie slop.
  • Portion and freeze.
  • I've purchased a infant's liquid multivitamin which I will give once daily as per Dr. Dodds' Liver Cleansing Diet. Also a probiotic capsule twice a day to help him adjust after the antibiotics.
I have no idea how much Gio will have to eat. I'm guessing something like 2 cups per day, so this will likely last me a week or so. I'll have to measure it all out later to know for sure. I've got about 7 cans of the yuck left over, so I will be giving roughly half and half canned and home-made until the cans are all gone. Then hopefully we can just continue on with the home-made, gradually increasing the amount of meat in proportion to veggie over the next couple of months. I'm planning on taking this very slowly, probably sticking with at least a portion of the diet as veggie in the end though I would like to get the meat up to at least half of the diet over time, and eventually switch to raw again. But that may be a year or so from now before we switch. Told ya I was planning on going slowly! As severe as Gio's pancreatitis was, I don't want to take the risk of going too quickly in getting him back onto a carnivore's diet!

Should I Get a Perm?

Should You Get a Perm?

There are certain things that a person must remember if they are thinking of getting a perm done to their hair. For a start, those with colored hair shouldn’t really have a perm as both of these things massively dry out the hair, leaving it hard to get back to its normal healthy state. This also applies to those that have any kind of chemical process done on their hair such as a perm recently that has not gone according to plan or chemical straightening which can all aid in drying the hair out.
Those with thin hair may want to pass on a perm as well as it takes better on thicker hair than it does on thinner hair. It could fall out easier or not last as long with thin hair but again this is something that your hair stylist will be able to inform you about. A perm should usually last in the region of around three or four months but in some cases it can drop out after two or stay for as long as six.
Generally, there are no defined face shapes that should not have a perm and it is more to do with the state of the hair you have as well as the kind of hair that you have; dry, colored, brittle etc. Bad conditioned hair will end up being a worse state after a perm and therefore it is best to leave it for a couple more months and try and get healthier hair before you aim for a perm.

Picture By Stefie Jones

Snow Melt 2009

Okay, okay, I know it doesn't look all THAT different from a couple days ago. But it is currently 2C (about 35F) out there so things are melting like mad! I can't walk out my front door without getting rained on from all the snow melting off the roof. Correct, I do not have rain gutters. Once I can safely place a ladder on the ground without clearing snow and ice, I will be putting rain gutters up. But for now, I just have to dash quickly out the door between droplets.

Fun with Kongs

The good thing about Gio's canned yuck food, it squishes into a Kong quite nicely!

While Gio got his afternoon meal in his Kong, Romeo got good ol' peanut butter.

Further proof that Romeo is just plain weird ...

Back in Action

Gio got to go back to "work" today. The vet said that as long as we keep things light and easy, he can go back to his normal training again. Thursday nights are drop-in nights for the group of people I do rally-o with, so I packed up the boys and headed over to the Hound Lounge for some practice.

Gio isn't allowed any food other than the icky canned slop that he is still getting 5 times a day, so instead of treats he got to work for a BALL!


I'm actually quite impressed with how the ball worked in some cases. It was very inconvenient for the basic things, but worked really well when we were practicing "moving down". (Either that, or he was just so excited to be back to work that he threw away his silly ideas regarding moving downs.) I might have to keep working with the ball instead of food for some things.

I did notice that he tired out quite quickly, so we kept his practice sessions nice and short, only about 10 minutes total.

I'm working Romeo on the finer points of rally-o versatility. He's got the "switch" position figured out (right heel position) and is getting to be really good at the various side changes. He's not very fluent with the right bum movements yet, but there is improvement. I have visions of Romeo being just as smooth at heeling on the right as he is on the left. It's a dream I have, and at the rate that he is progressing, it may actually be quite attainable! This year we are going to focus on CARO C Stream Bronze (CRB) and Silver (CRS), then maybe next year he will be smooth enough to start competing in CARO Versatility!

Of course, what is a drop-in practice session without some socializing?

Beg all you want, Gee. Everyone knows better than to give you any treats!

Snow Melt 2009

Oreo and Misty from Sara's Blog commented on our previous post with shock that we still have a lot of snow.

Yes, we still have a lot of snow!

While it is a little slower than normal to disappear this year, it isn't completely unusual for Saskatoon to still be covered in the white stuff in March. But today was a very nice day out, so we have quite a good melt started. As such, I've decided to document the melt in a little series I will call "Snow Melt 2009". This series could also be accurately called "The Revealing of My New Yard". I have no idea what my yard looks like, I've only ever seen it covered in snow. Will it all be mud? Will there be grass? Will there be copious amounts of weeds that have been mown to resemble grass from a distance? Who knows! SO EXCITING!!

Day 1 ...

We reached a high of -2C (roughly 26F) today, so things are really dripping outside and it's like the parting of the Red Sea when you try to drive down the road.

Why do Shelties have long noses ...

... To keep their leashes up out of the snow while you unlock the car door.

David Beckham Haircuts

David Beckham Hairstyles Till Spring 2009

David Beckham surely is a force to be reckoned with; a father to three beautiful boys, a wife to the style Queen of the world and ex Spice Girl, Victoria as well as being one of the world’s most famous footballers.
Alongside this however, it would appear that this young man can also hold his own in the style stakes and one of the things that is bound to get him in the media once more is the varied amount of tattoos that he has adorned his body with as well as the ever changing hair that he sports.
David Beckham Latest Hair - March 2009

From the floppy long curtains that we first saw him with, David has been through such a wide amount of hairstyles, more in fact than what most men would perhaps have in a lifetime and one of the most memorable has to be the Mohawk style that he adorned for the World Cup. Although this was one of the most extreme, he adopted an almost similar style but with longer length hair all over just a few years later.
David Beckham Hair

One of the most favorable hairstyles that David Beckham has sported over the years has been the very short shaved style that would have looked thuggish on most men but actually looked rather fetching on Mr. Beckham. This would also appear to be a style that he has gone back to a fair few time.
David Beckham Hair

Between David and Victoria Beckham, the media is constantly filled with news of their new hairstyles and if one thing is to remain true, it would be the fact that they are bound to have many more style greats and misses over the years to come.

Pictures Copyright of PR PHOTOS

Food Time

Gio would like to tell everyone that he is STARVING!

"Attention citizens of Earth. I regret to inform you that my stomach is very empty. I fear that I may expire due to starvation at any moment."

"You guys hungry?"

"When will you learn to STOP ASKING STUPID QUESTIONS?!"

Gio remains eager that he will get real food one of these days.

Exhibit A:
"Real food" that Romeo gets to eat.
Beef liver and boneless sheep.

Exhibit B:
Point of note, it looks very similar when it comes out the other end.
Did I mention, yuck?

Exhibit C:
Gio's medicine cabinet.
The fact that he HAS a medicine cabinet means he is not "well" yet,
so more "yuck food" for him for a while.
Note the bright orange sticker on bottle #3? That sticker warns about drowsiness, or more aptly termed "Drugged up Sheltie".

But Nurse Romeo knows how to deal with patients that are "Drugged up Shelties".
They just need a good cuddle.

Gio Update - Wednesday

He's coming home tomorrow!!!

I can't even believe it. It was really scary there for a few days, and I nearly had myself convinced that Gio wouldn't be coming home again. But he's pulled through and toughed it out. Thanks, I'm sure, in part to all the amazing support that we have received from all of you! Thank you endlessly!

I was able to have a quick chat with the vet today. She said she is really happy with how he is doing and is confident that he will be able to come home tomorrow evening. He's off his IV fluids now and has been transferred out of ICU. They have cut out most of the drugs, and the ones he is getting still are being given orally. He's eating and keeping it all down, and really looking amazing!

He will have to be on a modified diet for quite a long time now, and go back for frequent blood work to monitor how thing are going. He is definitely not healed or completely back to normal by any stretch of the imagination. And he will be prone to relapses for a good long time, if not the rest of his life.

But none of that matters as long as he is home where he belongs!

Mysterious Hairstyle

Mysterious Hairstyle, You Should Try It!

The hairstyle we are about to tell you about is a haircut that is perfect for those individuals that have long hair who would like to have versatility in their hairstyle. This haircut is going to enable the individual to style her hair with curl and volume, yet they will still be able to style it in the smooth and straight way that will look good. Continue reading to discover how you will be able to achieve this haircut.
Whenever you cut hair, you should wash it and condition it before you start. You don’t want to blow dry it, you should just towel dry it and have a spray bottle with you so that you can keep the hair damp. You should part the hair down the centre of the individuals head, and then divide it into two different sections. Leave about half an inch of hair in the back around the centre.
Comb the small section that you left down in the back so that you can smooth it, make sure it is centred, and then cut it to the length that is desired. When you are cutting it, do a horizontal line. It is best if you start from the side as you are cutting. Continue cutting the hair by letting the hair on the side in half segments. Take the hair, comb it to the centre and cut it to the length that you would like. As you go, you will be able to alternate it from side to side, and then move to the opposite side as you are finished. Once you have completed both sides of the cut, it is time to finish up.
Comb the hair strait down the head with strait parting in the centre of the head.

Gio Update - Tuesday Evening


All of your positive thoughts and healing vibes have reached Gio!

I went to visit him after work today and the vet was able to give me some fabulous news!

His bloodwork came back very positive. Pancreatic enzymes are down! Enzymes associated with the gall bladder are holding steady, but they are anticipating they will begin to drop now that the swelling of the pancreas is going down. Likewise with his WBC count. He's still holding down food, eating a tiny little bit every 3 hours.

The plan for tomorrow is to cut back on some of his medications. He is currently on two antacids and two anti-nausea drugs via IV. They are going to cut out the strongest of each, and attempt to administer the remaining antacid and anti-nausea drug orally. If that goes well then he can be transferred out of ICU and into the regular kennel room. Monitor again tomorrow and Thursday with a projected discharge of Thursday evening, assuming that he continues to improve as we have seen the past couple of days.

I would imagine that they will redo the bloodwork on Thursday before discharging him, but if all goes well then Gio may be coming home soon!

Gio Update - Tuesday Morning

I don't have time to write much right now, I will have a more thorough post this evening. But since so many people have been checking in regularly, hoping for an update, it is the least I can do.

Just got back to work from visiting with Gio this morning. He is looking REALLY GOOD! Much happier, wiggly bum and all. No puking while I was there, but I wasn't able to speak with the vet as she was busy so I don't know if he has kept his food down or not. Since he is looking so great, I'm assuming that the food stayed down.

They are re-running some blood work today to see if things are looking up internally as well. Hopefully the internal results will be as positive as the external improvements. The vet will likely get back to me about the results later, so hopefully I will have some more conclusive information to post this evening.

Gio Update - Monday

Sorry for the delay in updates. I know some people have been wondering how Gio is today, but I just didn't have an opportunity at work to update the blog.

Some good and some bad news today.

First, the good. Gio looks FABULOUS! Compared to how he has been the past couple of days, he looks great! High spirits, happy wagging tail and kissy-facing. He's peeing like normal (but still just for me, not the kennel staff). They offered him a few bites of wet food today and not only did he eat it but he kept it down! No puking at all today! And when I went this evening for a visit, he had a tiny little healthy looking poop. The waiting room was nearly empty and he looked a little antsy, so I tried out some very informal loose heel patterns in the open areas. He was so keen to work, very sloppy in his performance, but the attitude was all there! Not reluctant to sit or do his fancy hind-end movements, so at least I know he is not uncomfortable or in pain. He looked so happy to work again, even just that little bit of heeling and sits in the waiting room!

The bad, or at least "not so good", is that some of the tests they ran today came back less than stellar. They redid the ultrasound to check out his pancreas, and the pancreas is more swollen than it was on Thursday. His stomach is also full of fluid, and it appears as if he has eaten a couple small pieces of his kennel pads. Because his pancreas is more swollen, it has actually constricted around his gall bladder, causing a bit of a back up and an overflow of bilirubin into his bloodstream. The vet says that this isn't a huge deal, and once the swelling goes down then it will all even itself out again.

Gio's case has been transfered to a different doctor as his original doctor had to leave town on a family emergency. This new doctor is much more scientific and "to the point" than the original doctor, but because of that she seems to be a little more pessimistic as well. So I think she may be wording things as if they are worse than they really are. Not trying to fool anyone (or myself) into thinking things are fine, of course. Gio is still a very sick puppy. But I find that the vets at the college here seem to project to the worst case scenario right away. Just a trend they all seem to follow.

I have a theory ... call me naive or stupid for trying to reason around this, but hear me out.

Gio had the initial ultrasound on Thrusday and they found minimal swelling. He went downhill over the course of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, to the point that he looked like death warmed over on the weekend. Then today he looks great (comparatively), and when they do the ultrasound again they find that the pancreas is more swollen than it was on Thursday. My theory is that he was at his worst, so the most swollen, over the weekend, and that caused him to feel worse and look as bad as he did. But now, if the swelling is going down, maybe he is looking and feeling better because of it. So maybe (hopefully) his pancreas was at its worst on the weekend, but they didn't catch it because they didn't redo the ultrasound until today. If it is starting to trend to the positive again now, then he would naturally be feeling and acting better, right?

Like I say, maybe I am just naive and fooling myself here. But I have to have hope. Everyone that has been following this has been so supportive and optimistic, that I cannot be otherwise. I have to have hope.

They are going to redo some bloodwork tomorrow, and hopefully it will prove my theory and show that the swelling is going back down again as compared to the last bloodwork done on Saturday.

So fingers crossed for more eating, less puking, lower bilirubin scores, and decreased pancreatic enzymes in the blood work compared to Saturday.

Gio Update - Sunday Evening

I am so overwhelmed by all the support and well-wishes that Gio and I have received over the past few days. Thank you everyone for your thoughts, stories, and words of kindness. They mean so much to me, and I'm passing every one of them on to Gio.

I just got home from our Sunday evening visit. I would like to think that he is looking up a little bit. I hope I am not deluding myself. But he was more responsive than this morning at least. This morning he was very depressed looking, tonight wasn't so bad. He seems comfortable, cuddled up for a nice rest with me on the floor of the waiting room. He seems to be more drool-y than puke-y now, a better sign as it probably means that his stomach is still upset but he is at least able to hold it down. At one point we were walking through the waiting room and there was a cookie on the floor. He took a lunge for it, and would have got to it had he not been so doped up on drugs. So at least it appears as if his appetite is coming back.

He still looks really pathetic, and definitely is far from "healthy", but I'd like to think he is better than he was this morning. Maybe, bit by bit, he will continue to improve. I sure hope so anyways!

Thanks again for all the support. It means the world to me and Gio, and I truly believe that the power of positive thoughts is strong and amazing in what it can accomplish. I'm remaining hopeful that we can all pull him through this.

Gio Update - Sunday Morning

Things aren't looking as positive as they were yesterday. I just got back from the vet college for a visit with Gio and a talk with the vet.

They have re-run some bloodwork and it looks as if the swelling in his pancreas has gotten a little bit worse. The vet said that while some things are looking up, others are not as good as they were. They've given him a 50% chance of making it through this.

They have started plasma transfusions to try and bring the swelling down and bind up the loose pancreatic enzymes. And put him on more potent anti-nausea medication. He was offered a little bit of food this morning, which he only grudgingly ate ... mind you, it was probably Science Diet so I can't really blame the guy for snubbing it. But he is continuing to throw up, so they can't really offer him anything more than the tiniest of bits to judge whether he has an appetite back or not.

Hairstyles For a Heart Shaped Face

Hairstyles For a Heart Shaped Face
- Summer 2009 Hair Tips

Is your face narrow at the bottom around your jaw line and then wider at the forehead or the cheekbones? If you have this kind of face shape then you have a heart shaped face. Thankfully you are not alone with this face shape and there are many celebrities that you can take a look at to get ideas that would better suit your face shape.
Jennifer Love Hewit both have Heart shaped face

Lisa Kudrow, famous for being Phoebe in the hit TV show, “Friends” has a heart shaped face and she generally chooses to wear her hair long and loose but also straight unless it is for a more formal event of course! Jennifer Love Hewitt is the same but as you may have noticed when she starred in Enrique Iglesias’s video for the hit song “Hero,” she added a little bit of volume to it with height at the roots and then a few loose curls and waves running through the rest of the hair. As well as these two lovely ladies with heart shaped faces, Naomi Campbell and even Michelle Pfeiffer are also blessed with the same shape of face.
Naomi Campbell and Michelle Pfeiffer Hair for Heart Shaped Face

Heart shaped faces are perfect for a range of different hairstyles and if you were feeling really brave you could also go for the popular bob look which will have you look better than Victoria Beckham and as if you have just walked straight from the pages of a glossy magazine in no time at all!

Pictures Copyright of PR PHOTOS

Gio Update - Saturday Evening

He's still puking.

It's obvious to me that he is FEELING better, his spirits are higher now and he is much more alert. But still puking a little bit now and then. He is now actively seeking out bum scratches, and leaning with force when you rub his hips. So that is back to normal. Now if only he would quit with the nausea.

The vets weren't in when I went to visit, so I will have to catch them tomorrow for an update to the plan. They mentioned something about plasma treatment in the beginning, but said that it wouldn't really be an option unless things didn't get better. I don't know if he is "better enough" to still not warrant the plasma infusions, or what the deal is. But it just feels so useless sitting back and waiting, not really doing anything other than pumping him full of fluids and pain killers.

Gio Update - Saturday Morning

Again, just got home from visiting with Gio at the vet college.

He's about the same as yesterday. I would like to think he is a teeny bit better, slightly perkier, and he didn't throw up when we went for a walk. Still quite sick looking, but at least he isn't puking every time he moves. He still won't pee for the staff there, so I was charged with collecting a urine sample this morning. He will go willingly for me, so at least we know the pipes are working!

He's well enough today to maneuver himself into position for bum scratches, something he wasn't even doing yesterday, so there is hope yet.

I didn't get a chance to speak with the doctor this morning, but I would imagine that, because there aren't any HUGE improvements, he will likely have to stay the night again tonight. Hopefully I will hear from the vet at some point today for an update on how things are looking from their perspective. I'll be headed back this evening anyways for another visit and pee-break.

Lots of people have been asking how Romeo is doing. He's fine, he's a pretty self-absorbed little guy so Gio being gone isn't stressing him out too badly. He's a little lost because his routine is different ... he has to eat alone and pee alone and there is no one to pester with the squeaky squirrel. But in all he isn't doing too bad.

As always, I'll update when I know more.


I had to run Gio into the emergency vet clinic this morning. He was up all night vomiting, was very lethargic, and not eating. I left him at the vet hospital all day, and they ran a number of tests. Turns out Gio has bromide toxicity from his Potassium Bromide levels being too high, and bromide toxicity often goes hand-in-hand with pancreatitis.

I just got home from visiting with him and speaking to the vet. Gio is completely doped up, so was mostly unresponsive when I was there. But I got to give him lots of hugs and kisses at least. He has to stay overnight, and possibly tomorrow night as well. Lots of fluids, and depending how he is tomorrow morning, maybe some other treatment whose name has slipped my mind at the moment. Something about giving IV solution that competes with the Potassium Bromide and flushes it from the system quicker. So far, he doesn't need that, but if he doesn't improve much by tomorrow morning then it is a possibility.

Apparently Gio's pancreatitis is relatively mild, so the vet said the outlook is good. Of course, it's hard to say and I hated asking the question because so many variables weigh in on the prognosis. But so far, if he doesn't get worse overnight, it looks pretty positive.

Here's to hoping that the fluids help flush him out a bit and he is improved in the morning. I'm going to visit him in the morning again, so hopefully the vet will have some good news for me.

Paris Hilton Latest 2009 Hair

Paris Hilton Celebrates 28th Birthday - Lovely Blond Bob Hairstyle

Paris Hilton recently celebrated her 28th birthday in style with a birthday bash to remember in Las Vegas. Partying with pals such as Jeff Beacher and Doug Reinhardt, she looked every inch the princess that the general public has come to know her as and with a serious amount of bling adorning her petite frame, you would be forgiven for thinking that she was heir to the throne and not to a hotel chain.
Paris Hilton Latest Blond Hair 2009 - Celebrity Hairstyles 2009 Edition

The bubble blonde decided upon a simple hairstyle for her birthday bash but with a rather unusual headband to complete the look that was by no means understated. The glittering headband matched her glittering necklace and on most people, this look would have been rather too much for a 28th birthday party but Paris being Paris managed to pull it off rather well.
Paris Hilton Latest Blond Bob Haircut 2009 - Celebrity Hairstyles 2009 Edition

With a sleek bob worn over one eye, Paris managed to look sexy and yet playful at the same time and the platinum blonde hair was well teamed with the sparkly silver diamonds that were quite literally crowning her very famous head.
Paris Hilton Latest Hair 2009 - Celebrity Hairstyles 2009 Edition

With picture perfect makeup and a pretty dress, Paris Hilton looked every inch the young lady she is meant to be and with her recent goings on that we have followed in the press, it would appear that Paris could almost be turning over a new leaf.

Pictures Copyright of PR PHOTOS

Alicia Keys' new photoshoot as Michelle Obama

American R&B singer Alicia Keys has posed as US First Lady Michelle Obama in a new photoshoot for Glamour magazine. Keys, 28, was seen standing on what looks like the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. holding the hands of two young girls, who looked like the Obama daughters, Sasha and Malia.

Black Hairstyles - Summer 2009

African American Hairstyles Ideas for Summer 2009

Throughout time, the social significance that comes about with black hairstyles has stayed the same as it is a relevant part when it comes to black history. African Americans have a cultural trend with hairstyles that is not like any other American cultural trends.
African American Hairstyles 2009

The black hairstyles are representing a big part of history, not to mention pride amongst most of the black women. When black women enter into the hair parlor to receive a new hairstyle, they have to look at the whole picture and think about the type of social message they are going to be sending when they walk out of the parlor back into the black society. Below you'll find some great hair ideas for the African American girls.

African American Hairstyles Summer 2009

African American Hairstyles Summer 2009 Ideas

African American Hairstyles Summer 2009 Ideas

African American Hairstyles Summer 2009 Ideas

African American Hairstyles Spring Summer 2009 Ideas

Black Hairstyles Summer 2009 Ideas

Pictures Copyright of PR PHOTOS

Wavy Hair Hairstyles - Summer 2009

Hairstyles for Wavy Hair - Summer 2009 Hair Ideas

Wavy hair type is frequently taken as most desirable among today’s girls. It incorporates huge innate movement that can be increased by using hairstyling creams or gels and can be straighten or crumpled to give a beautiful curly look.
Tightly layered wavy hairs provide a wonderful look to overall personality of individual. Highlighting wavy hairs with some shining products or with color can exploit the look of wavy hair’s gentle furrow. One important fact that should always be kept in consideration while going for any haircut is the shape of face.

Spring Summer 2009 Hair Edition - Wavy Hair Ideas

Natural wave is money saver and time saver also, but waves can also be made artificially. All depends upon the care that you do to your hairs. Right conditioner and shampoo will definitely keep you away from lots of efforts to be done for making a style.

Spring Summer 2009 Hair Edition - Wavy Locks

You can also make curls for your wavy hairs with natural curvature. For making your hairs curly from wavy ones, you can make use of quality diffuser, use only a little amount as the usage of excessive amount will leave your hairs with frizzy look.

Spring Summer 2009 Hair Edition - Wavy Hairstyle

If you want to get wavy hairs from curly ones, then make sure the quality of product you are going to use for the purpose.

Pictures by Stefie Jones

More Rally-O Excellence!

Today was day 2 of the Paws n Train CARO Rally-O trial here in Saskatoon.

Again, the boys did wonderfully!

Gio was entered in two rounds today, one Advanced and one Excellent. The Advanced was FEO, so just for funsies. He qualified the Advanced with a score of 189/200, a great performance. The Excellent was a great run, but those darned weave poles tripped us up. If it weren't for them, he would have had a fabulous round and qualified with 182/200. It's my own fault, really. I haven't officially taught Gio the weave poles. He has never done agility because of his health issues, so we've just been getting by with close weaves where I essentially point where he needs to go. Works great if he isn't overly excited ... but he is always excited to do rally-o, so doesn't work so well in trials. He will make it to pole 4 and then pop out, and when I try to put him back in (as you can in rally-o, as opposed to agility) he just gets riled up and circles one pole a couple of times.

So for Gio, he was entered in 4 rounds this weekend, 2 Advanced and 2 Excellent. He gave his all for each round, but got hung up in little places that resulted in NQ's. He came away from the weekend with one Advanced FEO qualifier, but is a very happy (and very tired) boy. He loves this game so much, that I can't even find myself bothered if he doesn't qualify. He has no idea that he failed, all he knows is that he had a great time. And that is all that matters to me in the end!

Gio's Advanced Level FEO run ...

Gio's Excellent Level run ...

Romeo had a stellar weekend, and qualified every one of his rounds. He was entered in 4 rounds, 2 Advanced and 2 Excellent. Today he was in one of each, both of them in C Stream to count towards CARO's new title options. He qualified the Advanced C round with a 194/200 and the Excellent C round with a 191/200.

Overall this weekend Romeo finished off his Excellent title with Magna Cum Laude, and earned three legs towards his CARO Rally Bronze (CRB) title. He only needs two more Excellent C legs and he will have his CRB!

Romeo's Advanced C run ...

Romeo's Excellent C run ...

Me and Romeo with our judge, Sarah Jane Petti, after Romeo finished his RXMCL!