Gio Update - Sunday Morning

Things aren't looking as positive as they were yesterday. I just got back from the vet college for a visit with Gio and a talk with the vet.

They have re-run some bloodwork and it looks as if the swelling in his pancreas has gotten a little bit worse. The vet said that while some things are looking up, others are not as good as they were. They've given him a 50% chance of making it through this.

They have started plasma transfusions to try and bring the swelling down and bind up the loose pancreatic enzymes. And put him on more potent anti-nausea medication. He was offered a little bit of food this morning, which he only grudgingly ate ... mind you, it was probably Science Diet so I can't really blame the guy for snubbing it. But he is continuing to throw up, so they can't really offer him anything more than the tiniest of bits to judge whether he has an appetite back or not.