Gio Update - Sunday Evening

I am so overwhelmed by all the support and well-wishes that Gio and I have received over the past few days. Thank you everyone for your thoughts, stories, and words of kindness. They mean so much to me, and I'm passing every one of them on to Gio.

I just got home from our Sunday evening visit. I would like to think that he is looking up a little bit. I hope I am not deluding myself. But he was more responsive than this morning at least. This morning he was very depressed looking, tonight wasn't so bad. He seems comfortable, cuddled up for a nice rest with me on the floor of the waiting room. He seems to be more drool-y than puke-y now, a better sign as it probably means that his stomach is still upset but he is at least able to hold it down. At one point we were walking through the waiting room and there was a cookie on the floor. He took a lunge for it, and would have got to it had he not been so doped up on drugs. So at least it appears as if his appetite is coming back.

He still looks really pathetic, and definitely is far from "healthy", but I'd like to think he is better than he was this morning. Maybe, bit by bit, he will continue to improve. I sure hope so anyways!

Thanks again for all the support. It means the world to me and Gio, and I truly believe that the power of positive thoughts is strong and amazing in what it can accomplish. I'm remaining hopeful that we can all pull him through this.