'Help Me Scream And Shout That We Want Peace'

R&B singer Alicia Keys and friend George Clooney have joined forces to help spearhead a new global peace initiative.

Keys, an avid champion of peace and poverty, and Clooney, a longtime campaigner for peace in Sudan, join the growing list of celebrities, which includes Rocker Peter Gabriel, Virgin mogul Richard Branson, ex-United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan and former U.S. president Jimmy Carter, taking part in "We Want Peace."

A preview of a music video by Sudanese rapper and activist Emmanuel Jal, designed to raise awareness about the Global Initiative for the African country, has also been released.

“I’m calling out to the whole wide world, help me scream and shout that we want peace, big love to Emmanuel Jal,” Keys states in the intro of the clip.

The video's timing is critical as the Southern Sudanese prepare to vote for independence in January (11). There are rising tensions and fears of a north-south war in the nation.