Boys Hair - Hold Your Hair To Have A Perfect Look

Hold Your Hair To Have A Perfect Look - Summer 2009 Hair Tips

Choosing a guy’s hairstyle can be a really hard task. But when one chooses the best style to flaunt off, it is a query unsolved as to how make the hair hold. It is easy to get the hair cut as per your taste, but is it equally convenient to hold the guy’s hair till you visit the nightclub or a party. Applying a styling product to hold boy’s hairstyle is the very basic step to take. Using a volumizer at least twice before going out is highly recommended as well. The first use of volumizer needs to be done to dampen the roots of hair and then after the hairstyle has been done to dry those roots.
You can even use a nice hair spray for holding the hair style. it you wish to hold some particular section of the hair, use spray carefully only on that section but if you feel like having all the hair in place, spray it all over the hair, avoiding the sensitive parts like eyes. You can even hold your guy’s hairstyle by washing the hair with a nice shampoo and applying a gel or mousse. Then, a blow dryer can be used to set the hair and give them a fluffy appearance.

Picture by Mediatejack

Short Hair - Things To Consider

Find The Face Structure, Hair Texture And Form - Summer 2009 Tips

Short hairstyles are the latest fashion statement that has been donned by many of the famous celebrities like Katie Holmes, Rihanna, Pink, Justin Timberlake, Brad Pitt, etc. But before you actually go for a short haircut, the first thing that you have to do is determine your face structure. Fashion is what makes you look good and makes you feel comfortable. So, what looks good on your face is of the utmost importance.
Great Looking Short Haircuts

Generally we know 8 different face types – square, oblong, round, oval, triangle, heart, pear and diamond. Among all the types of the faces, the oval face is the most flexible one that goes perfectly well with most of the hairstyles short, medium or long.
Hair texture is also something that you should make sure of. It can be fine, medium or coarse. Fine hair is best suited for the short hairstyles. Then finally, the thing that needs to be determined is the hair form. Straight hair is most flexible and goes best with all kinds of hairstyles, including, short haircuts.

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Alex Kingston Curly Hairstyles

Alex Kingston - Amazing Curly Hair

Alex Kingston, better known for her role in ER as a British Surgeon by the name of Elizabeth Corday, is just one of the celebrities that we have come to know and love but one that doesn’t always follow the latest trends with regards to hair, makeup and clothing. Her naturally curly hair, closely resembling that of an 80’s spiral perm has almost become famous in its own right and it is nice to know that some celebrities can be happy with their most natural state.

Alex Kingston Curly Hair

A lot of curly haired stars have resorted to such drastic measure as chemically straightening their hair to within an inch of its life but this not the case for Alex who is known to be rather proud of her hair. Maintaining naturally curly hair is well known to be difficult but Alex seems to do it with ease, managing to work her hair into extricate up do’s as well as natural looking down hairstyles, all of which look beautiful and healthy.
Alex Kingston Latest Curly Hair - April 2009

One of the hairstyles that we are so used to seeing on the British actress is the one in which she has it pulled back into a loose pony tail with a few tendrils of curly hair hanging down, a hairstyle that we first came across on the hit hospital series, ER and since then, she has gone for many different looks including the messy up do that she recently wore at the premiere in Los Angeles of the new film “Monsters vs. Aliens”

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This Nose is Made for Sniffin'

This nose ... yes, this one right here. THIS nose did a LOT of work today!

There was a seminar held today on tracking, put on by Carol Aitken of Regina, SK. The seminar was geared at brand new beginners to tracking but I have heard great things about Carol, so even though Gio and I have been playing with tracking for a while now, I decided to attend.

Definitely wasn't disappointed! Carol is a lovely lady and was very helpful and patient with everyone's questions. Very knowledgeable in the sport, both in training and competing, and was able to give great suggestions for a wide variety of breeds. She really knows her stuff!

Gio and I try to get out tracking at least once a month in the summer time. Not as often as we probably should, but with all the other activities that he does, we don't really have the time to do much more than that. Last summer we had sort of plateaued at a certain point. He could do a good length of track, probably a couple hundred yards with one 90 degree turn. But if I tried to add more turns, he wound up getting frustrated and lost. Carol gave some great pointers, suggesting that I lay articles after every turn so that he gets a reward more often. It had never occured to me to place more articles along the track, we had only been working with one article at the very end of the track. So I will definitely be putting this into practice. He has great basics and can problem solve his way through turns, but tends to lose motivation if challenged too much. Hopefully the extra articles will serve as reward enough to encourage him to persevere through the turns.

He had a great time out today, and was thrilled that the little one (aka. Romeo) stayed home so he got to go out working with me, just by himself!

Thank you to Heather for organizing the seminar, Karen for volunteering her beautiful home and property as a venue, and to Carol for traveling up from Regina to share your wisdom with us newbies!

Cameron Diaz Hairstyles

Cameron Diaz Hairstyles, Great Summer 2009 Hair Idea!

We have seen Cameron Diaz with all manner of hairstyles over the years. She has been long and short, blonde and dark, curly and straight and possibly the most annoying thing of all is that every look suited her pretty face perfectly.
Cameron Diaz Hairstyles - Summer 2009 Hair Ideas Edition

It was the film, “There’s something about Mary” that people first start noticing Cameron Diaz although she had done a few films previously and it was a short and very cute bob that many women went flocking to the hairdressers to try and recreate. There was one very famous scene within this film which involved Cameron’s bangs and a rather funky design of hair gel and it is perhaps this that she is so famous for.
Cameron Diaz Hairstyles - Summer 2009 Hair Ideas Edition

To the other end of the scale, the great film, “Charlie’s Angels” saw Cameron Diaz with rather long locks looking well groomed and rather high maintenance it must be said. This was yet another look that suited her and that had men drooling after her and women dying to be her.
Whether you have long hair or short hair, there is going to be a Cameron Diaz style that you can have in your own hair perfectly.
Cameron Diaz Hairstyles - Summer 2009 Hair Ideas Edition

It could be as simple as the short pony tail that she was once wore to a red carpet event or elegant yet messy up do’s with the longer length hair which gave her the surfer look. Either way, a Cameron Diaz hairstyle is bound to get you noticed!

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Spring has sprung ...

This time of year I am always reminded of a little poem I learned as a child ...

"Spring has sprung, the grass is green
I wonder where my birdy's been.
Oh there he is up in the sky
Dropping whitewash in my eye!"

Yeah ... I was a special child.

I was reminded of that poem this morning when I saw my first Robin of the year! ... I nearly hit it with my car on the way to work.

Don't worry, folks! I missed ... spring will continue unabated!

Summertime 2009 Hair Care

Summertime 2010 Hair Care

Summer is a time where we can all let our hair down and enjoy the sunshine. However it is also a time where beauty regimes need to be remembered for both our skin and our hair to stop it being damaged and dried out by the wonderful weather.
One of the best ways that you can look after your hair when it comes to summertime is to wear it up. A simple ponytail worn to the office, the beach and even with a pretty corsage for a more formal event can reduce the need for using hair dryers, hair straightening irons and other heated tools which all take their toll on our already sun dried hair. You will also find that wearing your hair in a style such as this means that you need to wash the hair less and also can afford to let the styling regime go for a little bit. Our hair needs a break from time to time.
As well using simple styles such as plaits, (very in for the summer of 2009) and pony tails, there has never before been a better season to start looking out for your hair. You could even have a low ponytail, either to the side or at the back of the head and use part of your hair to create a headband with a plait; something that Nicky Hilton was recently seen wearing.

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Update on Gio's Pancreas

I know I haven't updated on this lately, so this is likely as good a time as any.

Gio is doing REALLY well! Seeing how he is now, it is apparent to me that he was ill for quite a while before I really noticed anything. I feel so horrible that I was excusing his condition on his epilepsy meds, thinking it was "normal". Now that he is doing so well, I see that he hasn't been "normal" in a very very long time.

He is due for another phenobarbital level check in about a week, I am also planning on ordering another CBC and chem panel to see how things are progressing there. There was significant improvement last time, things were "nearly" back to normal, so the vet said that it isn't necessary to check it again. But I just want to make sure, what is another $50 for some peace of mind knowing that things are progressing as they should be?

Gio was on the canned yuck diet for about 3 weeks and did horribly on it! Sure, his pancreas issues were improving, but everything else was going down hill. He had developed some reaction so that all the hair on his feet and around his mouth turned pink, his nose was crusted over, eye goobers constantly, orange teeth (yes, orange ... not yellow, but slimey orange), horrible diarrhea and "ass fumes of death". The vets were convinced that the diarrhea was just him adjusting to the canned food, so I decided to switch him to a home prepared pancreatic diet as I had no intentions of keeping him on the canned yuck for any length of time anyways. He has been on a home-made diet of juiced veggies and pulp, egg and/or liver, and cooked white fish for a couple of weeks now. His paw hair is back to white again, nose and eye crusties are gone, diarrhea and flatulence cleared up instantly. Teeth are still orange ... but not quite the radioactive color that they were on the canned food. I'm hoping that I can introduce some food that actually requires chewing in the next couple of months, so that should help the tooth issue significantly.

As for attitude, he is like a fiesty pup again! The switch from potassium bromide to phenobarbital for his seizure control has been a great thing for him. No seizures, so the meds are doing their job so far, and the side effects are much less than they were before. He is rowdy and pestering the hell out of Romeo nearly constantly. He is back to working Rally-O/obedience again (working for a tennis ball reward instead of treats) and performing at the top of his game! Just an overall happy boy again!

Here comes Peter Cotton-Tail ...

I tried to find bunny ears or something fun and "Easter-y" while out and about this morning. But apparently I was a little too ambitious and got to the mall before everything opened at noon. All I could find (and afford) were a little basket and a dozen plastic eggs. The boys had fun with those, though.

Romeo thought it was a great game to pull each egg out of the basket one by one ...

"Look what I found! EGGGEEEE!"

Gio protested when I tried to get him to hold the basket in his mouth.

"Nope. Not gonna do it. No way, no how."

"Oh. You have a cookie! Well, why didn't you say so?"

Please note, that Gio's small picture in the Easter greeting image counts as another reason why Shelties have long noses.

Curly and Wavy Celebrity Hairstyles 2009

Curly and Wavy Celebrity Hairstyles - Spring Summer 2009 Hair Edition

Curls and waves are always in fashion. Whether it is beach hair with loose waves or the 80’s spiral perm, there is always a fashion trend somewhere on the catwalk that demands for tongs, rollers or other curling tools.
There have been many celebrities over the years with a bouncing head of fabulous curls&waves. One of these is the actress Alex Kingston that has naturally curly hair, almost in the spiral perm trend, and is very proud to wear it. Jennifer Aniston also loves curls but hers are longer and looser than this, as soon by the hairstyles in 2007 that she sported for the People’s Choice Awards
Curly & Wavy Hair - Summer 2010 Hair Edition

Rihanna was another of the well known celebrities to favor curls for a time and although she has gone rather short with her styles at present, when she had her long flowing locks after the hit song, “Pom De Replay” she sported a rather 80’s inspired Whitney Houston type head of curls.

Curly&Wavy Hair - Summer 2009 Hair Edition

Beyonce is another celebrity that loves her curls and it was songs such as “Jumpin’ Jumpin’” with Destiny’s Child that saw her with rather strange looking curls, almost like looser crimped styles. From this, she has gone for many curled looks, both tight curls and loose ones and although she loves her straight hair, the curly look is one that is always going to come back.
Curly & Wavy Hair - Summer 2009 Hair Edition

Curls are the best way to liven up hairstyles and it is always worth investing in some heated rollers and a pair of curling tongs just in case!

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Creek Jumpin'

We took a wander over to the park for a run today after work. It's getting quite sloppy out there with all the snow melting, so the boys found a little "creek" that they had a great time leaping over. Well, "over" may not be completely accurate. I think there were a lot of "almost overs", maybe one or two real "overs". Mostly "splashes".

I think Gio might have cleared this one.

... And he didn't clear this one.

Romeo had a couple good splashes, too.

And this one.

What a handsome old man!

There were some very soggy Shelties after our walk.

Soggy, but happy.

How to Dye Hair at Home

How to Dye Hair at Home - Summer 2009 Hair Tips

If you are wanting to achieve a different color in your hair but by doing it at home then you need to work a few things out first to ensure that the color is going to come out OK. First of all you must decide what color that you want to go and then you need to employ the help of a friend, where possible to enable you to achieve the look that you want.
Remember that if you have long hair you will need more than one box of dye for your hair and it is always a good idea to get two boxes just in case one isn’t enough or you need to redo the color after a few days. Generally, it would be advised to get two boxes where possible.
Secondary to getting more than one box of dye, it is highly important that you perform a skin test and leave it for 24 hours to ensure that the color comes out as it should as well as making sure that you do not have any allergies to the dye that you are using. This should be done on a strip of hair from underneath the head to ensure that you do not have a random stripe of color where people can see it.
Once you have done the skin test and have left it for at least 24 hours, you can then go on to dye your hair at which point you may want to cover the edge of the hair line and also your ears and eyebrows with Vaseline to make sure that you do not get dye anywhere that you shouldn’t!

Snow Melt 2009


There is also a fair bit of mud.

But I can't complain too much, could be a lot worse ... like ALL mud. At least there are hits of grass in some areas of the yard.

My driveway lake is nearly dried up. I've tried digging a channel from the driveway to the main road, but the slope isn't right so even with the channel the water doesn't drain much. I just have to wait for it to dry up on its own.

Here is the comparison picture. The big snow piles are nearly gone.


Geri Halliwell Latest Hairstyle

Geri Halliwell Latest Hairstyle
March 2009

Geri Halliwell has recently been snapped out and about looking absolutely fabulous at the UK premiere in Leicester Square in London proving that motherhood really does suit her! Tanned and looking every inch the classy lady, Geri had a beautiful figure, a dress to die for and a hairstyle that is sure to send women all over the place flocking to the hairdressers!
Gone are the days where we saw the infamous Spice Girl with red streaks in her hair and her very famous bosom falling out all over the place and in her place has grown a very beautiful woman and mother, despite her battle with eating disorders over the years which surely would have taken their toll on her hair?
Amazing Geri Halliwell

These days she is more darker in color and with a new sleek style that simply screams sophistication. A parting just off to one side and the front sliding across her face, the brown hair with slight honey colored highlights set off her perfect tan and sexy eye makeup perfectly.
Despite the looks that we have seen in the past, this one is a winner.
Geri Halliwell Latest Hairstyle

It combines her young age with her sexy smile and sophistication perfectly while still allowing to be dressed up in cheeky ways if the occasion calls for it. It just goes to show that bigger and brighter hair isn’t always better and that you can still look both cute and sexy with a simple style!

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